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Acute otitis media (OMA) is still a special health problem in children. Acute otitis media is an acute inflammation of the middle ear that occurs, especially in children. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of bacteria present in the ear fluid in patients with OMA in Woja District, Dompu Regency. A diagnosis of AOM can be confirmed by a careful history and examination. This research is explorative descriptive research. This research method was carried out by identifying the types of bacteria found in the ear fluid of patients with AOM. By making macroscopic and microscopic observations and biochemical tests the number of samples in this study were five people. Based on the results of this study, it was found there were five types of bacteria namely Proteus mixofaciens bacteria with microscopic features of beige page, small round shape, flat edges, smooth surface, stem cell morphology. Pseudomonas Sp with white microscopic features, round shape, flat edges, convex surface, stem cell morphology. Mirabilis protein with white microscopic features, round shape, flat edges, smooth surface, morphology of stem cells. Proteus Sp with microscopic characteristics of turbid yellow color, round shape, flat edges, smooth surface, morphology of stem cells. Klebsiella sp with microscopic features creamy turbid color, round shape, flat edges, smooth surface, morphology of the stem cells to five types of bacteria are included into gram-negative and rod-shaped bacteria. Biochemical test results showed that on average all bacteria isolated from OMA samples fermented sugar and differed only in certain types of sugar. From the results of screening research on the type of bacteria in the ear fluid of patients with acute otitis media (OMA) that has been done, found five types of bacteria that cause infection, three from the Proteus group, one from the Pseudomonas group, and one from the Klebsiella group.