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The aging process is influenced by the phenomenon of complex and multidimensional hypertension data where the level of speed is different for each individual. Increasing age can cause a setback of some physical and psychological functions experienced by the elderly due to the aging process (aging process) including can cause health problems in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of celery water on hypertension in the elderly at the Mandalika Mataram social center.
The research design used in this study is the Pre Test-Post Test With Control Design. The samples used in the study were the elderly who were at BSLU Mandalika Mataram, amounting to 36 who were divided into 18 control groups and 18 people treated. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The instruments in this study were observation sheets measuring blood pressure mercury spygomanometer, stethoscope. Analyze data using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests.
The results showed that hypertension in the respondents before giving celery water stew 18 people with moderate hypertension 10 respondents and 8 respondents with mild hypertension, after giving celery water stew as many as 16 respondents had mild hypertension and 2 respondents were moderate hypertension, from the analysis test to get p value 0,000 with a significant level of 0.05 then p value <? so that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.
The conclusion in this study is to get the effect of giving celery water decoction to hypertension in the elderly. Therefore, it is expected to be able to provide decoction of celery water to the elderly to control hypertension in the elderly.
Keywords: Celery Water Decoction, Hypertension, Elderly