Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Kesehatan Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK <p>Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Kesehatan Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram sejak tahun 2015 dengan pISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1412995773" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2407-8603</a> dan eISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1475034920" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2541-1128</a>. Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Kesehatan Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram menerima karya tulis ilmiah berupa laporan penelitian (original research paper) dengan fokus pada perkembangan permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia, termasuk perkembangan dan permasalahan pokok di bidang epidemiologi; Promosi kesehatan; Kesehatan Lingkungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja, Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Ilmu Gizi, Sistem Informasi Kesehatan di Indonesia. Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah Kesehatan Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram bekerja sama dengan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI) dalam membantu kemajuan publikasi karya ilmiah dan diseminasi hasil penelitian. Meski fokus di wilayah Indonesia, JPKIK tidak menutup kemungkinan naskah di luar wilayah yang memiliki isu korelatif dan/atau sebanding dalam lingkup geografis tersebut.</p> en-US danylastchild07@gmail.com (Hardani, M.Si) danylastchild07@gmail.com (Hardani, M.Si) Mon, 09 Oct 2023 07:12:19 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Perbandingan Pengetahuan Tentang Vaksinasi Covid-19 pada Masyarakat yang Sudah Divaksin dengan yang Belum Divaksin Covid-19 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/544 <p>The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is still a problem, many of the impacts caused by this virus, such as health problems, economy to death. One of the most effective efforts to reduce the impact of the pandemic is by vaccinating against Covid-19. The government also conducts socialization to increase public knowledge and understanding of the Covid-19 vaccine, which is because there are still many people who do not know about vaccines and they easily accept rumors and hoax news about the Covid-19 vaccine. This study aims to determine the difference in the score of knowledge between people who have not been vaccinated and people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Caben, Sumbermulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul, DI. Yogyakarta. This research uses a comparative study design, the sample size is 90 respondents which are divided into 45 people who have not been vaccinated and 45 people who have taken the Covid-19 vaccine, the research instrument uses a questionnaire to measure knowledge about vaccination, the sampling technique uses consecutive sampling and statistical test using the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the average knowledge score of people who had not been vaccinated for Covid-19 was 45.22 and the average score of knowledge of people who had been vaccinated was 69.68, while the results of the Mann-Whitney test showed that there was a difference in the score of knowledge about vaccination between people who had not vaccinated against Covid-19 with people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19, with a p-value of 0.000. This study concludes that knowledge about Covid-19 vaccination in people who have been vaccinated is higher than people who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19</p> Copyright (c) 2023 Muskhab Eko Riyadi, RR. Viantika Kusumasari, Dian Nur Adkhana Sari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/544 Mon, 09 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Efikasi Intervensi Suplementasi Zat Gizi terhadap Pencegahan Stunting pada Anak Usia < 5 tahun - Studi Literatur https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/539 <p>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem in children under five whose nutritional status is measured based on height for age. One of the efforts to prevent stunting is through intervention or nutritional supplementation. In this review, we will discuss some of the efficacy of supplementation interventions in children under 5 years of age as an effort to reduce the incidence of stunting. This literature review was carried out through a search for journals on the PubMed database in the last 10 years (2011-2021) which resulted in 15 journals that fall into the inclusion criteria in this review. The results of the review show that there are 4 nutritional supplementation intervention methods applied to children under 5 years, including zinc supplementation, LNS supplementation (Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements), MNP supplementation (Micronutrient Powder) and vitamin D supplementation. Zinc and MNP supplementation interventions, the results showed that there was no effect between the intervention group and the control group on the incidence of stunting or linear growth in children. While the LNS supplementation method, the majority of journals show that there is a significant effect on reducing the incidence of stunting in children. This is because LNS is a supplementation product that combines macro and micro nutrients so that the handling of stunting or for prevention is more optimal. This literature study conclude intervention that has high efficacy in reducing the incidence of stunting is LNS supplementation.</p> Belinda Ardianti, Sri Sumarmi Copyright (c) 2023 Belinda Ardianti, Sri Sumarmi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/539 Mon, 09 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0800 HUBUNGAN LAMA PAPARAN ASAP PEMBAKARAN ARANG TERHADAP JUMLAH RETIKULOSIT DARAH PADA PEDAGANG SATE DI WONOCOLO SURABAYA https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/542 <p>Charcoal burning techniques contain harmful pollutants in the form of particulates, carbon monoxide (CO), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals and other toxic compounds which have short and long term impacts on the environment and human health. One of the chemical substances contained from the burning of satay traders' charcoal is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide (CO) when inhaled into the lungs will join the blood circulation and will block the entry of oxygen needed by the body. This can happen because CO gas is toxic, it also reacts metabolically with blood (hemoglobin). So that the erythrocyte cells lack oxygen which causes damaged erythrocytes and an increase in reticulocytes and erythrocytes. The purpose of this study was to prove that there is a relationship between prolonged exposure to charcoal burning smoke and the number of reticulocyte cells in satay traders. This study used an analytic observational method with a cross sectional approach. This study used 20 samples of venous blood from Madura satay traders who live in one place in the Wonocolo sub-district, Surabaya. Test analysis using Spearman correlation test. Based on the results of the study, the average reticulocyte level was 1.2% and the average length of exposure (hours/month) was 5,35 (hours/week). Spearman correlation test results (alpha) = 0.006 &lt;0.05 with a correlation coefficient of 0.592 means that there is an increase in the length of exposure variable with the number of reticulocytes and suggestions for further research is to examine blood reticulocytes with other methods.</p> Firda Eka Safitri, Gilang Nugraha, Andreas Putro Ragil Santoso, Ersalina Nidianti Copyright (c) 2023 Firda Eka Safitri, Gilang Nugraha, Andreas Putro Ragil Santoso, Ersalina Nidianti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/542 Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 THE RELATIONSHIP ANXIETY LEVEL OF ELDERLY PATIENTS AND HYPERTENSION AT THE OUTPATIENT INSTALLATION OF RSUD DR. R. SOEDJONO SELONG https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/555 <p>Anxiety is the only psychological factor that influences hypertension, in elderly people who experience anxiety or psychosocial stress can increase blood pressure. This is a problem for patients at IRJ RSUD DR. R. SOEDJONO SELONG, and this problem is experienced by most elderly people. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the anxiety level of elderly patients and hypertension at IRJ RSUD DR. R. SOEDJONO SELONG. This research method is analytical correlation with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all elderly people with hypertension at IRJ RSUD DR. R. SOEDJONO SELONG. The sample used in the research was 43 respondents, the independent variables in this research were anxiety and the dependent variable was hypertension. This research instrument uses a mandatory questionnaire and observation. Data processing uses Editing, Scoring, Coding, Tabating. The data analysis technique uses the Spearman rank test. The results of the study showed that 20 people (45%) of respondents who experienced anxiety had severe anxiety, while 23 people (53%) experienced hypertension. Based on the Spearman rank test results, it was found that the p value was 0.026, which was smaller with a significance level of 0. 05 (a) then it can be seen that p value &lt;a so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. From the SPSS output, a correlation coefficient figure of 0.339 is obtained, meaning the level of strength of correlation or relationship between anxiety levels and hypertension in the Dr.R Hospital Outpatient Installation. Soedjono Selong is a fairly strong relationship.</p> Selly Kalros, Sri Idawati, Irawansyah Irawansyah, Tuhfatul Ulya Copyright (c) 2023 Selly Kalros, Sri Idawati, Irawansyah Irawansyah, Tuhfatul Ulya https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/555 Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 FAKTOR PENYEBAB TIDAK DITEMUKANNYA BRM CANCER DAN CANCER OBGYN PADA BAGIAN RISET DAN PENELITIAN RS X https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/556 <p>Rekam medis adalah dokumen yang berisi informasi tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan medis, pengobatan, tindakan, dan layanan lain yang diberikan kepada pasien. RS X adalah rumah sakit pendidikan yang juga menjadi rujukan pusat nasional di Indonesia termasuk kasus cancer dan cancer obgyn. Karena jumlah kunjungan pasien rawat jalan yang tinggi, permintaan berkas rekam medis juga meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab tidak ditemukannya berkas rekam medis cancer dan cancer obgyn pada bagian riset dan penelitian dengan menggunakan 5 M. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitan menunjukkan dari faktor man yaitu kurangnya petugas sehingga menyebabkan tingginya beban kerja, dari faktor material yaitu rak penyimpanan yang berdekatan, sempit sehingga menyulitkan dalam pengambilan, dari faktor method yaitu tidak adanya SPO, dari faktor money yaitu pengadaaan sarana pendukung dalam pelayanan, penyimpanan,&nbsp; dan pendistribusian belum terpenuhi, dari faktor machines yaitu hanya terdapat 2 komputer yang digunakan untuk keperluan penyediaan berkas rekam medis.</p> Nurul Khatimah Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Khatimah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.poltekmfh.ac.id/index.php/JPKIK/article/view/556 Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800